Getting started with Stripe

Signing Up

To get started with Stripe, the first thing you'll need to do is create your account over at

Once you've created your account and verified your email, you'll be prompted to activate payments by creating your business profile. Setting up your business profile requires some basic company and bank information, and only takes a few minutes.

If you're not prompted to set up your business account, you can select "Activate payments" at the top of your Stripe homepage.

Connecting your Stripe account to ReproConnect

Now that your business profile is created, there are only a couple more steps to get started with handling card payments through the planroom.

All we need to get your Stripe account hooked up to the planroom are a couple of API keys. In particular, from your Stripe Dashboard, you want to make sure you disable "Test mode", then click the Developers button and provide us with the Publishable and Secret keys. 

Note that you'll need to click "Reveal secret key" in order to grab that one.

From there, just send those Publishable and Secret keys over to us at, and we'll gladly get things wired up.

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