Password resets

Did on of your users forget their password? For security reasons, the planroom won't show you the user's current password. So to help them you have two options:

Option 1: have the planroom send a reset email

Tell your customer to do the following:

  1. Go to your planroom in their web browser
  2. Under the 'Login' box on the left, click the "Forgot Password" link
  3. Enter their username or email address
  4. They should get an email within a few minutes with a link to reset their own password

Option 2: reset the password for them

While you can't see a user's password, you can reset their password if needed. Click on Users in your Control Center, and open up your customer's user account:

  1. Click the key icon next to their username.
  2. Type in a new password, and click 'Save'.

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