Planroom email notifications
Go to your Planroom Settings. On the main Business tab you will see the primary planroom email address. This is where all planroom email notifications are sent by default.
Distribution group or forwarding email
It is often helpful to set up a generic email address or group for your planroom, something like
By doing this you can control where planroom notifications go in your organization. Depending on your email host, you should be able to set this planroom address to forward to multiple recipients if needed.
Virtual planrooms
When you have a virtual planroom you can optionally have email notifications go to a different address. This is helpful if the virtual planroom is being used for another location rather than a customer. Or there may even be times when your customer wants to receive notifications.
To do this, click the Virtual Planrooms tab in your Control Center Planroom Settings, open up a virtual planroom, and set the Email address there.
Note that this will send all planroom admin notifications to this address only. If you want your primary email (that you set in your Company settings) to still be included, check the "Copy main planroom address" box.
Multiple addresses
We are often asked if ReproConnect can send these notifications to multiple email addresses. The short answer is no, the planroom works with a single email address both for incoming notifications, and as the "Reply-To" address on outgoing notifications sent to your customers.
Set up a forwarding address or distribution list as mentioned above to accomplish this goal.