New user accounts

Users can register for accounts on your planroom, or you can create their accounts in your Control Center.

Registering on the planroom

The most common way a user gets an account is by registering on the planroom, themselves. They need to click the 'Register for an account' link, under the login form.

This will walk them through the registration process, including choosing their username, setting their password, and confirming their email address. 

Creating users in the Control Center

You can also create user accounts in the Control Center. This is not something you will likely do all that often, but it might be helpful to get your important customers going quickly with the planroom. 

In your Control Center click on "Users" and then the "New User" button at the top. You can enter in all your user's information, including the company they belong to. 

Optionally, you can enable the "Send welcome email" toggle if you would like a welcome email sent to this user automatically.

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