Bidding FAQ
How is electronic bidding set up for a project?
You must enable electronic bidding for any project. You should coordinate with your client to determine which of their projects need electronic bidding, and who the authorized bidders should be.
Who is able to submit bids?
By default, any registered planroom user is able to submit a bid. This can be restricted further if need be; contact support if you need to set up restricted bidding.
When are bids accepted?
Users are able to submit bids as soon as electronic bidding is enabled, right up until the bid deadline.
By default, no bids are accepted once the bid deadline passes.
Can bids be previewed prior to the bid opening?
Yes. The authorized bid manager can preview the list of bidders prior to the bid opening. This preview includes the name, contact info, and reference number for each bidder. The bid documents are NOT available for viewing or downloading at this time.
Are bid documents sealed?
Bid documents are not available prior to the bid opening. Neither the authorized bid manager nor even the planroom administrator can access the sealed bid documents.
Furthermore, the planroom provides a bidding log showing all bidding-related activity on a project to help protect the integrity of the bid process.
Who is able to open bids?
Only the designated bid manager(s) can view the final bids and download/open them. Make sure you have provided the names of any bid managers to your planroom administrator so they are properly authorized.
How are bids opened?
From the bid list, an authorized bid manager can click a 'download' button to immediately download a zip file of all documents submitted for a bid. It's that simple.
When first opened, every bid is stamped with the name of the manager as well as the current date and time.
Can bid lettings be broadcast online?
Many agencies choose to broadcast their bid opening meetings. Popular tools for this include Zoom, Webex, YouTube Live or Facebook Live.
If your client holds an online broadcast, you may want to ask them for the meeting information and post it on the planroom in the project notes.