Customize payment and shipping

Sometimes you may want to limit the payment and/or shipping methods for orders of a specific project on your planroom. You can do this through the use of project tags.

Example: restricting to only one method

It's common to want to restrict payment methods to just "Check" for example. This is used with deposit orders quite often.

To accomplish this, put a tag of pay:check-only on your project:

That's all you have to do. Now when a customer orders this project, the checkout process will only show the "Check" payment method as an option.

Similarly, if you wanted to restrict the shipping methods to just "Customer Pick-Up" you could apply a tag of ship:customer-only .

Example: excluding methods

To exclude a specific payment method, such as "Cash" from a specific project, use the tag pay:without-cash . Similarly you could add ship:without-delivery to exclude the "Local Delivery" shipping option.

Pattern to follow

Notice in the tags above there is a particular pattern to use. To limit methods, you use pay: or ship: for starters.


If you want restrict to a single method, the rest of the tag is {method}-only where method is any keyword found in that shipping or payment method.

Note that it doesn't have to be the full method name. If you have a shipping method of "Local Delivery" you can do ship:local-only or ship:delivery-only , both work the same.

You can also match multiple methods if you want. If you have "UPS Ground" and "UPS Overnight" as two of your payment methods, the tag pay:ups-only will show only those two payment methods during checkout.


If you want to exclude a specific method, the rest of the tag is without-{method} where method is any keyword found in that shipping or payment method.

So pay:without-account or ship:without-delivery would remove the "Customer Account" payment method and "Local Delivery" shipping method, respectively.

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